
The most cost efficient source of renewable energy, wind power blows the Midwest toward a renewable energy future.

Map of Wind Projects

Wind is the renewable energy leader
cost decrease
Since 2009, the cost of wind has fallen 72%
38+ GW
The 9 Upper Midwest States make up 32% of total installed wind capacity nationwide
in wind power in 2020

How does CGA drive wind?

Drought resistant and predictably reliable, wind leads the way toward a clean energy future – while generating revenue for communities and landowners.

Wind is the largest renewable energy source on the grid, and more cost-effective than current coal plants and competitive with existing natural gas. With the wind at our backs, we work to inform and improve public understanding of wind energy.

CGA knows the future of energy is in the wind. We provide reliable, credible, factual information for lawmakers, landowners, and the general public about the benefits of renewable energy and advocate to amplify wind energy's positive legacy in the Midwest.


  • Advocate for favorable state legislative and regulatory policies
    • Establish favorable REC contracts and Minimum Equity Standards for renewable developers when implementing IL CEJA law
  • Educate the public and decision-makers about the benefits of wind energy
  • Drive the market for wind in utility Integrated Resource Plans
  • Drive deep carbon reduction by transitioning to clean energy
  • Transform the grid to deliver more wind
  • Shape reasonable decommissioning requirements
  • Bring diverse groups together to find and define shared goals
Wind powers progress – but not without CGA.
210% Growth
Installed wind capacity in the Midwest grew 210% in 10 years (2010-2020) to 38K+ MW
Engaging in Integrated Resource Plans
CGA successfully advocated for more new renewable energy -- faster -- and carbon reduction through utility Integrated Resource Plans in MN, MI, IN, and MO.
Tackling Setbacks
Defeated bills in ND, IA and MN that would have established restrictive setbacks for renewable energy facilities.
Supported Using Existing Transmission for New Wind
Advocated for access on existing HVDC line for new wind from North Dakota to Minnesota.
BLOG | Jul 19, 2023

What's All in My Electric Bill?